my dresscode app(Proof of concept)
DressCode was created to offer an easier deciding proccess to compose the perfect outfit through digitalization of the wardrobe. The aim was to provide a clear overview, online access, and the possibility to share inspirational outfits.
A peek at the proccess
technology stack
- CentOS
- underscore
- modernizr
- bootstrap
- Git
- ubic
I challenged myself to realise this project, so that I could develop myself in every aspect of a project.
I started with creating a brand identity. One of the aspects of this identity was the logo (see below). The visual language came to life by composing a collection of websites and details that I loved.
Defining my technology stack was not really hard. Needlessly to say, I chose to work with HTML5, CSS3 and javascript/jQuery. Some less obvious choices were Perl and PostgeSQL, especially because we had only seen PHP and mySQL at school.
During my research on Perl, I stumbled upon the library use common::sense;. This library made me smile and I immediately respected the makers of this language. Looking into the syntax a bit more, I noticed some blessings such as map, and the concept of hashes.
While comparing MySQL to PostgreSQL the most suited database system revealed itself quickly. PostgreSQL offered benefits such as: adding a column without locking the table, cleary written error messages, stored procedures in back-end laguages, licensed under BSD, easely usable command line, and opensource community. There was only one downside to PostgreSQL: finding hosting.
Because Perl and PostgreSQL are less obvious technologies, I didn't really found suitable hosting. This is why I chose to rent a virtual server, a CentOS release 6.2. In combination with nginx and git, this worked ideally for me.
graphic elements
First sketches on the left, final version on the right